Meditations & Healing Sessions

Here you will find a mixture of meditations and healing sessions.

These modalities are incredibly important in supporting you to process and integrate all that you are discovering about your incredible self and provide much needed nurture and rest.

Enjoy Sistar

Chord Cutting & Energy Reclamation Guided Meditation with Cora Darlington

Join me for this special meditation that will help you reclaim your energy and life force and cut the chords to toxicity so that you are able to receive new life and new possibilities.

Click the link to join me in this short daily 5-minute meditation that was created to have you connected into the energy of effortless appreciation before you start your day.

Re-Connective Healing with Healer Leila Hassan
Re-connective Healing | The Jala Mudra Water Ceremony – Leila Hassan

Hey Warrior Sisters,

For this beautiful healing, all you need do is get settled into your sacred space, lie back, and receive, receive, receive!

Preparations: Bring a bowl of water

I will be introducing some of my personal Luna emobodiment meditations yoga mudras, Mudra (meaning in Sanskrit seal or mark ) these are hand spiritual gestures that act as an energetic seal of authenticity and represent divine manifestion.

Mudras have existed and been used since thousand of years by Hinduism and Buddhism traditions.

In dharma & taoism it has been used in meditations and healings and Monks use it in their spiritual exercise for ritual meditation and concentration and are believed to generate focus that invokes deity.

We will focus on the Jala mudra water element (Little finger and thumb )

This gestures opens the circulatory of the water in the body , it opens the gateway into flow and movement of stagnant energy or resistance and rigidness which creates a dum, this gesture dissolves that and helps us to connect to our fluidity nature of our body (since our bodies are 70% water ) it helps us find emotional balance helps with acceptance, and been open to changes that are happening for us.

The first 10 mins will be introduction and then we will do 11 mins of jala mudra meditation and followed by Reconnective healing energy for 20-30 mins.

I am honored to share this ritual with you along with Reconnective healing energy.

Luna x

Crown Chakra Healing & Meditation with Leila Hassan

Create some un-interrupted space and time to receive this powerful violet flame meditation and Re-connective Healing with Leila Hassan

Return To Your Sovereignty Guided Meditation | Facilitated by Cora Darlington

This short guided meditation has been created to help you to decompress, empty, and create internal spaciousness.

It takes you through a process to cut chords to the people and circumstances that are depleting your energy and call back your own life force and resources to return you to your renewed sovereign state.

This is particularly effective at the end of a long day but can also be done at any point that you feel that you have taken on, or are carrying things that are not yours.