SHE has spent a lifetime nurturing the hearts and lives of others, SHE now stands ready to nurture her own. SHE feels a fire stirring in her bones— A fire laid dormant for way too long. Now ready to burn away, Everything that SHE is not.
SHE stands before the mirror, Finally allowing herself to fall deeply in love With every hint or avalanche of silver in her hair, With every line that maps her laughter and her pain, With every step that marks her own epic Heroine’s Journey.
SHE is becoming so much more than the roles SHE has played, More than the masks SHE has worn, with perfect grace and beauty. SHE is ready now to shed them all. Standing in her naked truth and hard-earned wisdom. Shoulders back, chin lifted in defiance, eyes bright and clear, Her voice is steady and strong as SHE declares:
“This is who I AM, and I am more than enough.”
SHE dreams wildly, More than she has been ready, till now, to admit. SHE stands eager to birth her precious dreams into life. Tasting the freedom that comes when approval is no longer needed.
SHE has forgiven herself for the self-abandonment, Released the resentment carried for far too long, SHE has forgiven the others and granted herself complete and absolute liberation.
SHE knows deeply that each one was a necessary and perfect part of her great and powerful becoming.
Her spirit is way too vast for such confines and limitations.
SHE is choosing aliveness over safety, Trading certainty for wonder, Comfort for adventure, Burden for lightness, Heaviness for joy. Pain for pleasure.
SHE has heard the call of the wild ones— The council of wild women who have crossed this threshold before her. They speak of the power in her transformation, The richness of this crossing.
And as SHE stands in the center of her own life, Declaring again and again her own beautiful enoughness and worth, The Universe bows at her feet In wholehearted agreement.
Now SHE extends her hand and asks: Are you ready to author the next chapter of your story?
To claim the quill from fate’s hands?
To break new ground?
To pioneer new lands within and without?
To finally, gloriously, Come home to yourself?
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