There is a moment in every woman’s life when the whispers of potent transformation become too loud to ignore.
For me, this began to slowly build from a whisper to a scream from around the age of 47, coinciding with both menopause and what astrology calls the Chiron Return—a powerful celestial dance that beckons us toward our final and deepest healing and most profound awakening.
A time that is very aptly called, ‘Healer Heal Thyself’
And man does that resonate.
Regardless of many years of relentless work on myself, the blessing of a beautiful family, and the creation of meaningful and abundant success in my work, I found myself slowly but surely feeling flat, lacklustre, and weirdly colourless.
It felt like one day, I looked at my life, and the whole thing was greyscale.
All the things that once made me feel alive and connected, no longer called or inspired me, and I began to feel like a complete stranger to myself.
I knew that a HUGE change and transformation was beckoning, and I knew that my life was about to change in ways that I could, at that time, not possibly comprehend.
But after a lifetime of healing others, I knew in every cell that the time had come to deeply and fully heal myself.
At the age of 47 It felt like beginning all over again, an undoing, and an unavoidable falling apart.
This new chapter opened in front of me like a huge mystery that had me equal parts excited and absolutely terrified.
The Sacred Timing of Your Awakening
This cosmic and sacred rite of passage is not just another birthday, another year marked on the calendar. This is potent and profound initiation—your invitation to step into the fullness of your power and wisdom.
The Chiron Return, coincides beautifully with the physical and spiritual transformation that we call menopause, creating a perfect storm of awakening.
My favourite poet, Oriah Mountain Dreamer writes, “There is a fire that burns away all that you are not, and she is not joking!
This time of a woman’s life often feels like a literal sacred burning—intense, uncomfortable, painful, confronting, and ultimately leads to a transformative purification and homecoming, like no other.
This is what I call, The Great Reckoning.
A time where you will either embrace this mighty interruption and use it to reconcile and integrate all that your life has been so far.
Extract the wisdom you have earned over a lifetime, discard the pain and suffering that came with it, and own ALL that you are.
You will deny it, avoid it, turn away from yourself, and the bright and beautiful fire of your Soul, will slowly but surely be extinguished.
As I now stand on the eve of my 50th birthday what I can tell you is that, it will take more courage than you think you can muster, more conviction than you thought was possible, and at times it undoubtedly threatens to overwhelm you.
The prize that is won is more precious than any other.
For it is the gift of YOU to You.